after William Shakespeare and Samuel Beckett

Shakespeare’s King Lear, centuries-old, appears on stage again, and wants his story to be played out once more. The catastrophe that stands at the beginning of the story, becomes the reason for playing it – a catastrophe which happened long ago, but becomes relevant again for the length of the performance.
Samuel Beckett wrote a variation on the King and the Fool in Endgame. Our performance picks up where Beckett left off, and at the same time reverts to Shakespeare. The story of King Lear is looked back on from memory. All the characters, apart from Lear and the Fool, are just images and fragments. Although the Fool and Cordelia are not identical, they produce each other. Although Lear is not a king anymore, he will always be a father. Frank Schneider plays Lear and Michael Vogel the Fool, who, multiplied in puppets and materials, holds up to Lear his own apocalyptic visions of his madness on the heath.
First night: 2nd October 2007 at Lindenfels Westflügel Leipzig.
Directed by: Hendrik Mannes
Co-direction: Antonia Christl
Performance: Frank Schneider, Michael Vogel
Live-music: Johannes Frisch, Charlotte Wilde
Puppets and stage: Michael Vogel
A production of Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel, co-produced with FITZ! Zentrum für Figurentheater Stuttgart and Lindenfels Westflügel Leipzig.
The production was supported by Kulturamt der Stadt Stuttgart, Fonds darstellende Künste e.V., Stiftung der Landesbank BW.
(photos Meike Lindek, Göran Gnaudschun)
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