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Exploration of the world with seven riddles for everyone from 6 years

A theatre play, a mystery tour, a search for clues! All made of mud, courage and music! PIFF! What is that supposed to be? Looks like a mushroom, doesn’t it? No, quite different. Where did that come from? Was that invisible a moment ago??? PAFF PUFF! From above? From below? Let’s take a closer look! One mystery after another! One emerges from the never-never sea. Back when there were no words. Somebody help! One is growing out of the tree. Huh?! How does it do that? SPLASH! An inquiring frog! GRUNT! A snuffling pig! In big and in small?! PSSST! – prick up your ears! Nothing is lost! Go on! Wormward! Follow your nose. Does that mean we have to dig? Yes! Are we looking for treasure? YES! Where are we going? To the future! The future is where? Right under our noses! We’re counting on you, humans! Let’s go!

With Christiane Zanger and the puppet theatre Wilde & Vogel, a tried and tested team is setting out on this journey of world exploration. After productions such as Nils Holgersson, The Hobbit and Krabat, however, this time it is not about a literary theme, but about the wonders of the world under the soles of our feet. The play was created with the support and suggestions of numerous children. Seeking artistic dialogue with children is the concern of the initiative KOBA for Empathy, Art & Theatre, which Christiane Zanger, together with Susa Schmeel, has taken to a wide variety of school institutions in Saxony and Baden-Württemberg. The team is congenially complemented by drummer Philipp Scholz, who brings experience from school music, music therapy and above all as a passionate jazz musician.

Stage, puppets, performance: Michael Vogel
Live music: Philipp Scholz, Charlotte Wilde
Programming: Jakob Vogel
Metal work: Christian Schmit
Text: Susa Schmeel
Directed by: Christiane Zanger

Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel in co-production with Westflügel Leipzig and FITZ Stuttgart.

Supported by the Cultural Foundation of the Free State of Saxony, measure co-financed by tax funds on the basis of the budget passed by the Saxon State Parliament and the Landesverband Freie Tanz- und Theaterschaffende Baden-Württemberg e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg. Thank you to  Michael Strehler and thanks to all the children in Leipzig and Stuttgart, who contributed to this performance! 

(photos Thilo Neubacher, Dana Ersing)

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