Documentation: The Merry-go-Round (is cancelled)

Despite Corona chaos, an extremely beautiful song of death

Together with Christoph Bochdansky (Vienna), Stefan Wenzel (Leipzig) and Cie. Off Verticality with the choreographer Rose Breuss (Linz) we developed our new production The Merry-go-Round. An extremely beautiful song about death in spite of Corona-chaos in 2020. Several possible premiere dates had to be cancelled due to the pandemic, meanwhile this documentary was produced by Thilo Neubacher, who witnessed rehearsals and the internal premiere in November. Thank you very much for this, Thilo!

Choreography: Rose Breuss
Performance, Puppets, Stage: Christoph Bochdansky, Michael Vogel
Dance: Kai Chun Chuang, Damian Cortes Alberti, Marcela Lopez Morales
Live-Music: Protect Laika (Stefan Wenzel, Charlotte Wilde)
Advice mask scenes: Björn Leese, Michael Vogel

Christoph Bochdansky (Wien), COV Compagnie Off Verticality (Linz) and Figurentheater Wilde & Vogel (Leipzig), co-production with Westflügel Leipzig.

Supported by Stadt Leipzig and Kulturstiftung des Freistaats Sachsen, Maßnahme mitfinanziert durch Steuermittel auf der Grundlage des vom Sächsischen Landtag beschlossenen Haushalts.

(photos Thilo Neubacher, Dana Ersing)

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