Figurentheater Wilde&Vogel
In 1997 the musician Charlotte Wilde and the puppeteer and puppet maker Michael Vogel started their company, first in Stuttgart, from 2003 in Leipzig, where Wilde & Vogel are co-founders of the International Centre for Animated Theatre Westflügel.

Photos Sophie Polypod
Charlotte Wilde
Charlotte Wilde studied music, English and history in Karlsruhe.
She arranges, composes and plays the music (violin, guitar, keyboard instruments) for the puppet theatre Wilde & Vogel and other theatres and is responsible for the organisation.
Michael Vogel
Michael Vogel studied in Prague with Milos Kirschner and the Spejbl & Hurvinek Theatre, and studied puppet theatre in Stuttgart at the University of Music and Performing Arts.
From 1998 to 2006 he held a teaching position in the Stuttgart Figure Theatre course.
1999, Scholarship from the Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg.
Puppetry and live music are the artistic means of Wilde & Vogel‘s theatre. Themes and dramatic material for the productions are manifold.
They are always questioned concerning the adequate means of expression and reduced to the essence, to open room for imagination beyond the visible for the audience. Apart from classical drama (Hamlet, Faust, Orpheus, Salomé) and adaptations of novels (Krabat, The Hobbit, Frankenstein), musical material (Until doomsday, Toccata) or poetry (Spleen, Songs for Alice) there is also a group of performances which base on original themes (Siberia, The Sensibility of the Giants, Dust, Kukułka).
Co-operation with directors and colleagues from different artistic fields are essential for Wilde & Vogel and there are several international productions. Since 2007 Westflügel Leipzig has been the premiere theatre and also co-producer of all Wilde & Vogel plays. FITZ Stuttgart has been partner and co-producer since 1997.
To more than 30 different countries in Europe, America and Asia, amongst others for the Goethe Insitute, Festivals amongst others International Puppet Theatre Festival Erlangen, FIDENA Bochum, unidram Festival Potsdam, Fringe Recklinghausen, Festival Mondial Charleville-Mézières, at.tension Festival.
Puppets, Music, Direction for other theatres
Amongst others for Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe, Landesbühne Esslingen, Nørregaards Teater Ebeltoft (DK), Puppentheater der Stadt Halle, Puppentheater Waidspeicher Erfurt, Staatsoper Stuttgart, Theater der jungen Welt Leipzig, Gulliver Theater Kurgan (RUS), BTL Białystok (PL), Grassi Museum Leipzig
Amongst others with Grupa Coincidentia Białystok, Christoph Bochdansky, Frank Soehnle, Lehmann und Wenzel Leipzig, AChE Group St. Petersburg, Teatr Malabar Hotel Warschau, Gyula Molnár, Golden Delicious Schweiz/ Israel, Gregor Meyer/ Gewandhauschor Leipzig
Workshops amongst others at Akademia Teatralna Białystok / Warsaw, Stockholms Stadsteatern, Trinity College / Hartford Connecticut, Turku Polytechnic & Arts Academy, Muhlenberg College / Allentown Pennsylvania. Michael Vogel was teacher at the Department for Puppetry Stuttgart from 1998 to 2006.
Numerous awards for productions, amongst others International Puppet Festival of Adult Puppet Theatre 2001 Pécs/ Hungary, International Festival Bielsko-Biala/ Poland 2002 and 2008, 5. International Festival “Spectaculo Interesse” 2003, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Theaterpreis der Stuttgarter Zeitung 2007, International Puppet Theatre Festival Warsaw 2009, george tabori award 2013.